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About Us

Himali Alpine Guide strives to provide the most enjoyable experience on the mountains. Our focus is on safety, top quality service, and of course the best price, all with very personal attention.

Take part in our expedition or let us help you organize your dream adventure.

About Dawa Phinjo Bhote

Dawa was born in Bhotkhola Rural Municipality, Shankhuwashaba, the eastern part of Nepal.

After his schooling, he started his career in trekking with his father with whom he got the opportunity to scale Mt. Everest three times in 2007, 2012, and 2018.

To date, he has successfully summitted Mt. Everest 7 times along with other high mountains like Mt. Makalu, Mt. Manaslu, Amadablam, Pumori, and trekking peaks Mera, Lobuche, and Island.

Besides the mountains in Nepal, he got the opportunity to climb high mountains in different parts of the world, the Mt. Denali in the USA, Mt. Bright horn, and Mt. Dom (technical route) in Switzerland.

Since 2012, He has been serving as Helicopter Long Live Rescuer in Simrik air, and Altitude air.

In his 17 years of service as a mountaineer guide and rescuer, he has worked with companies like Adventure Consultant, Canadian Mountain West School, Midsession Mountaineering USA, and Expeditions Unlimited French.

He got the highest certification in Mountaineering Industry in 2012 as being one of the certified international mountain guides (IFMGA/IVBV, UIAGM), which motivated him to do more in the mountaineering industry.

He is associated with organizations like Nepal National Mountain Guide Association, Nepal Mountaineering Association, and Nepal Mountaineering Instructor Association which works for the tourism and mountaineering industry in Nepal.

After having extensive and professional skills in Mountaineering Industry, Dawa has now begun his career as a consultant and organizer through his own company based in Kathmandu, Nepal.